ENVItech Bohemia delivers complete range of automatic continuous analysers for monitoring of the ambient air quality from various manufacturers.
All delivered analyzers use methods, which are type-approved acc. to relevant standards.
AF22e - Analyzer SO2
New energy-efficient analyzer with reduced power consumption....
AC32e - Analyzer NO, NO2, NOx
Chemiluminescent analyzer NO, NO2, NOx. New energy-efficient...
CO12e - Analyzer CO
Infrared CO analyzer. New energy-efficient analyzer with reduced...
0342e - Analyzer O3
Photometric O3 Analyzer. New energy-efficient analyzer with reduced...
VOC72e – Analyzer BTEX
New energy-efficient BTEX analyzer with low power consumption (cca...
Mercury Vapor Monitor VM-3000 – Analyzer Hg
Continuous gaseous Hg analyzer. Eco design of the analyzer reduces...
AMA Instruments GC 5000 – Analyzer BTEX
Gas chromatography PID or FID analyzer for monitoring of BTEX....
MP101M with optional CPM module – Particulate analyzer
Beta attenuation dust analyzer for monitoring PM10, PM2.5 or PM1...
Fidas 200 – Certified optical particulate analyzer
The continuous and simultaneous measurement of dust particles PM1,...
Fidas 200 E– Certified optical particulate analyzer with a separated optical cell
The continuous and simultaneous measurement of dust particles PM1,...
Fidas 200 – Certified optical particulate analyzer – outdoor version
The continuous and simultaneous measurement of dust particles PM1,...
Fidas Frog – Portable optical particulate monitor
Compact fine dust monitor with detachable control panel for indoor...
If you are interested in more information about the products, do not hesitate to contact sales representative directly.
Sales directorMgr. Pavel Chaloupecký